our valued inspection service
LOGOIDEA’s goal is to satisfy every customer, avoid the risk of buyers buying goods from China, and we always keep improving product quality. So LOGOIDEA not only supply hot products to meet target markets with good price and in-time customer service, but also cooperates with professional 3rd party inspection company which all inspectors have more than 5 years of experience in large inspection company. Means that we perform professional Quality Control as Factory Audit, Inspections Service and Sample Testing. Based on your needs and demands, we evaluate customized solution and service plans to fulfill your standard. For each single Quality Control Service, we develop a specific work instruction which is enough to meet the product and your requirements.
Our 3rd party inspection company uses” ML-STD-105E” and “ANSI/ASQ Z1.4-2008” as its sampling standard and acceptable level for quality. These standards are widely used to decide whether to accept a shipment without checking every single item. And now they have been equivalented in all national and international standardization organizations such as BS6001, ABC105, ANSI/ASQ Z1.4, NFX 06-022, ISO 2859 AND DIN 40080. They provide the advantage that clearly defining the number of samples from a given batch or shipment. They also recommend the maximum number of defect items allowed in the sample size, unless specified by the customer. Our default acceptable quality Level is level 2.
Our inspection policy: 1. Order amount <US$ 8000, inspection work by factory workers and our team members random inspection.
2. Order amount >US$ 8000, inspection not only worked by factory workers and our team members random inspection, but also all inspection work by 3rd party inspection company and you will get the professional inspection report. And all FREE for our customer.
Following is our cooperated 3rd inspection company’s service zone and charge: